Fibreglass Flat Roofing Specialists for West and North Yorkshire
Fibreglass Flat Roofs, Soffits, Guttering, Fascias, Balconies, Wetrooms, Box Gutters, Valleys, Insulation/Felt Replacement.
Fibre Seal - Fibreglass Flat Roofing Systems

Fibreglass has become the No.1 flat roof covering that is used in the UK today.
Replacing the traditional and less reliable methods of felt or rubber, fibreglass is the preferred flat roof covering of architects and main contractors.
With a hard plastic finish and low expansion qualities fibreglass is a neat 100% waterproof finish for all types of flat roof.
Fibreglass roofing is ideal for garages, extensions, conservatories, porches, orangeries, etc.and can be finished in a variety of colours and effects.

For free estimates and advice regarding flat roofing
call 01943 839 374 or email us here

For Roof Insulation information click here
For Felt Replacement information click here
What our Customers say...............
Helen and Noel Patterson:
"Regarding the flat roof you installed at our home last summer we thought you might like to know we have felt the benefit both in terms of water tightness and insulation. Even though it hasn't been the harshest winter there has been a noticeable improvement and it's been a relief not to experience the condensation and mould problems we had previously. Once again, thanks for the great job."